Sailor Corellia

Senshi of Magic and the Force

"A planet of serenity is my guardian deity. For magic and strength, with the Force as my guide, I'll make you pay! I'm Sailor Corellia!"

Name: Chirudo Sutaru
Meaning: "little child of the stars"
Planet: Corellia
Age: 13
Birthdate: July 5, 2010
Star sign: Cancer
Birthplace: Corellia
Height: about 5'4"
Hair: dark brown; teardrop odango (like Chibiusa's in Sailor Moon)
Eyes: emerald green
Skin tone: fair
Flower: Garlic Orchids
Favorite colors: green, orange
Favorite gemstones: ruby, emerald
Favorite foods: cake, hot chocolate
Least favorite food: guacamole, gornt
Favorite school subject: English Literature
Least favorite school subject: math
Loves: Sailor Jupiter; walking the beach; Ryo
Hates: when people make fun of her; dirty socks; cockroaches
Hobbies: computers; reading
Best quality: her mind
Worst quality: doesn't know when to shut up
Dream: to be an artist
Word to describe her: strength
Powers: Corellia Crystal Power, Make Up!, Corellian Lightning Bolt!, Corellian Windstorm!, Crystal Shower!

Sutaru is the oldest daughter of the legendary Jaina Solo. She has a brother and a set of younger twin sisters. She is strong-willed and sarcastic and takes a bit too much after her mother. She is a young Jedi Knight, with her own green-bladed, orange-cored lightsaber. Sailor Chibi Corellia, Nijihoshi Kusabana Chirudo, is her daughter.

Sailor Corellia

View more images of Sailor Corellia/Chirudo Sutaru

Non-transforming characters connected with Sutaru/Sailor Corellia:

Lucas Guarudeanu, Sutaru's brother

Read more about Sutaru/Sailor Corellia:

The Sailor Corellia Saga, Chapter 1
The Sailor Corellia Saga, Chapter 2
The Sailor Corellia Saga, Chapter 3
Suprise, Sutaru! The Birthday She'd Never Forget!
Senshi Acrostics
What Happens to a Lovestruck Jedi?
The Secret of the Rainbow Child
Background of a Star-eyed Senshi

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