What Happens to a Lovestruck Jedi?

Written by Chirudo Sutaru/Sailor Corellia

I'm Chirudo Sutaru, and I'm just about the happiest young Jedi that I can be. Maybe I should explain exactly why.

Yukiko, Shikuku, Lys, and I were sitting in the cafeteria, in the Jedi Temple, eating lunch as usual. Suddenly I spotted the guy of my dreams. My eyes turned to little hearts, and I sighed wistfully.

"Hello? Coruscant to Suta, are you there?" Lys waved her hand in front of my face, trying to get my attention.

I snapped out of it. "Huh? What?" I said, confused.

"I was trying to ask you what you were staring at," Lys said, looking in the direction I had been. Her eyes got big, surprised. "Oh my Jedi! Suta's got a crush!!"

I nearly jumped out of my skin. "Lys! Stop it! Dont let him hear you!"

"Oh Suta, it's nice that you're finally over Ryo... He was a bit much for you anyway," Shikuku said wistfully, looking over at the subject of interest, a cute Padawan with dark red hair and bright blue eyes, a rare mix, but a pretty one. His hair was the close-cropped style of a Padawan, with the braid over his right shoulder. His skin was a bit lighter than mine, and he had cute little freckles on his cheeks and nose.

Yukiko smiled. "I know his name! It's Raven Mikahn. He's been here all his life, so I'm told." She then stuffed some food in her mouth to dodge questions.

"Raven... what a handsome name!" I said, not entirely "with" the group.

"Why don't you go talk to him before he leaves?" Lys suggested.

"No!! I'd be too scared!" I protested. I'd never had much luck talking to boys.

But right after the words came out of my mouth, Lys grabbed me by the back of my dark green training tunic and literally dragged me over to Raven. I stood there, blushing like crazy. Little did I know, he was blushing too! I looked up at him, into his blue eyes, and said the first thing that came to mind. "So... uh... You're a Padawan?" Smooth, Suta... reeeal smooth. I mentally slapped myself.

To my surprise, Raven couldn't answer. He finally spat out, "Y-yeah, uh... are you?" He was as nervous as me! I smiled at him and held out my hand.

"My name's Sutaru, but you can call me Suta."

He shook my hand, his grip a little stronger than my own. "You probably know I'm Raven... I heard your ice-haired friend over there tell you." His voice was CUTE!

"Yeah, that's Yukiko." I got nervous. How to ask him his age? "So... how long have you been here at the temple?"

"Most of my life. I'm gonna be fourteen in a month. You?" He looked a bit nervous to me, but every time I smiled, he'd smile, and some of the tension would roll off him.

I smiled again. "I just turned thirteen about two weeks ago, and I got here about four months ago." I didn't notice when Lys snuck off to sit with Yukiko and Shikuku. Raven and I finished lunch together, talking and laughing and trading secret jokes. Turns out he's from Corellia, too! We ended the lunch period with Raven asking me for my comm signal number! Willingly, I pulled my paper journal and green pen from a pouch on my belt and tore out a page, wrote the number on it, and handed it to him. I smiled.

"Hey... maybe... do you want to spar sometime?" I asked hopefully.

"Sure!" He smiled brightly. "Hey... Master Yoda's giving us another lecture... and I can't be late... See you later, okay?"

"Okay..." I gave him a little kiss on the cheek. "See you later." I watched him turn and walk away until I lost him in a bustle of Jedi Students trying to get to the lecture hall. I squealed and ran full-tilt to my room, to write every detail of what happened in my journal.

About an hour later, Lys came to check up on me, to see if I was still breathing. I smiled at her and hugged her tightly. The tall, streak-headed brunette patted the top of my head. "You're welcome, Sutaru."

"And that's what happened."

Priire stared at Sutaru, a quizzical look on her face. "You mean to tell me that you're finally on a boy-hunt?"

Sutaru grinned. "Yeah! He's a doll, you've GOT to meet him!" She had this dreamy look on her face and was speaking from her heart, not her brain.

The fiery redhead Ippin sat beside Sutaru. She waved her hand in front of the girl's face. "Whoops, she's out again!" Numako sat nearby with an eyedropper of water. She squeezed a drop onto Sutaru's nose, waking her up for the tenth time.

"Who wha? Numako!!"

About the Senshi in this story:

Sutaru/Sailor Corellia
Yukiko/Sailor Hoth
Shikuku/Sailor Ralltiir
Lys/Sailor Chibi Bakura
Priire/Sailor Asteroid
Ippin/Sailor Yavin
Numako/Sailor Dagobah

