
Written by Kirana/Sailor Omwat

“Do we really get to go to Funland?” Anakin asked, blue eyes shining.

“Yup, we really do. And it’ll be FUN!” cried Chouko. Xarae, Minae, Anakin, Yukiko, Kirana, Chouko, Kairiku, Numako, Lys, Mara, Sutaru and Chikako were going to the Cloud City amusement park Funland.

“I wonder if it’s anything like Disneyland,” Kirana said.

“Disneyland? What’s Disneyland?” asked Lys, a girl with streaked hair.

“It’s on Earth,” replied Chouko. “There are different ‘lands’ to it. It has rides, shows, and stores, and it’s really fun.”

“Hoth,” said Sutaru.

"Fun, it sounds,” added Numako.

Kirana smiled. “My favorite ride was Star Tours. Or maybe Indiana Jones. I don’t know.”

Yuki giggled. “I LOVE Indiana Jones,” she said.

“We know!” everyone said at once.

“Wow!” cried Kairiku when she arrived at Funland the next day. Chouko gasped. There was nothing on Earth quite like it. Its tall, winding towers stood out against the clouds.

“This is going to be so fun,” Xarae said.

“Well, let’s go!” said Mara. Her red hair shone beautifully in the bright light of Cloud City.

“Let’s split up,” Minae suggested.

Kairiku, Anakin, Lys and Sutaru were in one group. Minae, Xarae, Chikako and Numako were in another. Yukiko, Kirana, Mara, and Chouko were in the last.

“Let’s go on the rides!” Anakin exclaimed.

“Okay,” Lys said.

The first ride they went on was called Super Space-out. It spun the riders around so fast they couldn’t walk afterward.

Sutaru fell to the ground in a giggling heap. “That was beyond fun,” she said, wiping tears from her eyes.

“Who’s that guy?” Anakin asked.

Kairiku frowned. “What guy? There are lots of them here.”

“He was there a minute ago!” Anakin insisted. “I know he was. He was tall and scary and I think he was watching us.”

“Don’t be paranoid, Annie,” Lys said.

Anakin made a face. I hate it when no one believes me! he thought.

“Fun, that looks,” Numako said, pointing at the roller coaster Death Dive.

“You mean scary,” said Minae.

“Let’s go on it!” cried Chikako.

Minae sighed. “I guess I could give it a try,” she said. Soon they were high in the air, laughing and screaming gleefully. The ride ended, and even Minae had to admit she liked it.

“Where should we go?” asked Mara.

“Let’s play some games,” said Chouko. They played the midway games for a while, not winning anything.

“Let’s go,” Yuki said.

“No! Wait! Thirty-eighth try’s the charm!” Kirana exclaimed. Chouko groaned.

And, miraculously, Kirana won a prize! “Here you go,” said the game woman, handing her a stuffed Jawa. “I think I’ll give it to Kendren, as a token of my love...” said Kirana. Her eyes took on a glassy stare.

“Kirana! Hello! You alive?” said Mara, waving a hand in her face.

Kirana jumped. "Of course I am,” she said.

“I know,” Anakin suggested, “let’s go on the Luv Tunnel.”

Kairi-chan smiled. “Okay,” she said.

Anakin and Kairiku sat together (of course!), while Lys and Sutaru sat in back of them, ready to spy. The Luv Tunnel was dim and decorated with hearts galore.

“You know,” Anakin said, taking Kairi-chan’s hand, “you are the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen.”

She blushed, hoping he couldn’t tell in the dim light. “Thank you,” she said. Sutaru, unable to keep it in, let out a giggle.

"Hey!” Anakin cried. “We’re trying to share a moment here, okay?” By then, everyone, including Kairiku, was laughing hysterically.

As they exited the Luv Tunnel, Lys realized she was really hungry. “Let’s get something to eat,” she suggested.

Everyone agreed and started walking to the restaurants. But Anakin was split up from the group. He tried to go back to them, but instead bumped into a man. The man was tall and had long, red hair and dark blue eyes. “Watch it, kid,” he said in a Cajun accent.

Anakin gasped. “Hey! You’re the guy I saw before!” he cried.

The man muttered something and fled.

“There you are, Anakin!” cried Lys.

“What did that man say to you?” asked Kairiku.

“He said something in another language,” Anakin said. “I think it was a bad word.”

Xarae checked her chrono. “I think it’s time to find everyone,” she said.

“Right, you are,” Numako agreed. They met up with Yuki’s group about five minutes later.

“Now we just have to find Anakin’s group,” said Chikako.

“Look! There’s Kairi-chan,” cried Kirana, pointing. “I wonder why she’s all alone?”

Just then, for some reason, there was a stampede. The girls were momentarily disoriented.

“There you are!” Lys exclaimed. “We got... lost.”

“Did you guys see Kairiku?” asked Anakin. “Because she got separated from us.”

“Hey guys, here I am!” exclaimed Kairiku.

“How’d you get over here so fast?” Yuki asked.

Kairiku looked very innocent. “What do you mean?” she asked. “I was right there the whole time. It must have been some other girl.”

“Okay,” said Minae uncertainly.

“Oh yeah,” Kairiku said. “I found my cousin Bria here, so I was going to stay at her place for the night.”

Sutaru frowned. “But you don’t HAVE a cousin-”

“Yes I do,” Kairiku interrupted. “She’ll take me back. Don’t worry.”

“Go you may, then,” Numako said.

As Kairi-chan turned away, her eyes glowed yellow.

“So, did you get the girl?” asked Kaden.

Mistique smiled. “Yes,” she hissed, “she’s right here.” Kairiku tried desperately to get out of the ropes that were holding her down.

“Good work, mon amie,” Kaden said. “We can hold her hostage.”

“Good idea,” Mistique said. “I like the way you think.”

Mistique took the ropes off Kairiku. “You won’t be able to go anywhere, little one,” she said. “I’ve got the place guarded.” Standing at the locked metal door was Julio, Kaden’s berserk assistant.

“Where are we, anyway?” Kairi asked.

“Underneath the roller coaster,” Kaden said.

Oh. That would explain the vibrations, thought Kairiku.

“Wait a minute!” cried Yuki as they were about to leave. “I know for a FACT Kairiku doesn’t have a cousin Bria.”

“Yeah,” Lys said slowly, “me too.”

“You know what that means,” said Kirana.

“Mistique!” everybody cried at once.

“And this time, we’d better make up before we get there,” Chouko said.

“Good thing the park is closed,” said Xarae.

“Omwat Power, Make Up!” cried Kirana.

She became Sailor Omwat and met the other Senshi.

“Where would they hide?” wondered Sailor Hoth.

“Someplace where nobody goes,” replied Sailor Chibi Bakura.

“Like maybe a ‘staff only’ place,” Sailor Omwat said.

“I know!” cried Sailor Corellia. “Under a ride! I’ve heard it before.”

“Which one?” asked Sailor Iridonia. “There are lots of rides in this amusement park.”

“We’ll just have to hope we’re lucky,” Anakin said. “And I can probably use the Force to find her...” Anakin led them to an area which contained the roller coaster, the merry-go-round, and the stores. It was getting dark now.

“The roller coaster!” cried Sailor Omwat. “I just know it. Come on.”

“The door won’t open!” cried Sailor Myrkr. She turned to the others. “Now what are we going to do?” she asked.

“I’ll kick it down,” Sailor Chibi Bakura said.

“Wait!” Sailor Omwat cried. “You just have to give it some love.” She blew a iss to it, and the door melted. Everyone stared at her, openmouthed. “Oh, did I forget to tell you?” she asked. “That’s my new attack, Death Kiss.” The ten Senshi and Anakin walked cautiously through the door.

Nobody inside seemed to notice, because there was a battle going on in there. “Take that! And that!” Kairiku was saying while kicking Kaden in a place that’s not very nice to kick.

“It’s Kaden!” cried Sailor Omwat in horror. “Oh no... if he sees me...”

But it was too late. “Hi, chèrie,” Kaden said, sounding a bit tired but still evil.

“Get away from her!” Sailor Omwat screamed.

Sailor Honoghr gasped. “Look!” she cried, “Mistique!”

“Yes,” Mistique said, “and you are DEAD!”

By now, Anakin had managed to sneak Kairiku and Sailors Myrkr, Iridonia, Chibi Dantooine, and Chibi Bakura out the door.

“They’re escapin’,” said Kaden weakly. “Julio... get them!” But Julio was crouched in the corner, shaking his head.

Sailors Corellia and Omwat rushed out the door.

“I’ll take care of Mistique,” said Sailor Hoth. “You guys just escape.”

“But-” Sailor Dagobah began.

“Just go!” cried Sailor Hoth. Then she added, “Hoth Blizzard Blast!”

She ran from the room, making sure everyone was safe.

“I wonder if Kaden is alive,” said Kirana once they were back home. “I know this sounds mean, but I hope not.”

Yuki giggled. “I know what you mean,” she said.

“Another adventure taken care of,” Chouko said happily.

About the senshi in this story:

Chouko/Sailor Chibi Dantooine
Xarae/Sailor Iridonia
Minae/Sailor Honoghr
Yukiko/Sailor Hoth
Kirana/Sailor Omwat
Kairiku/Sailor Chibi Naboo
Numako/Sailor Dagobah
Lys/Sailor Chibi Bakura
Mara/Sailor Vjun
Sutaru/Sailor Corellia
Chikako/Sailor Myrkr
Mistique/Sailor Sith Vortex

