Sailor Chibi Naboo

Senshi of Youth and Duality

Name: Shicchi Kairiku
Meaning: Shicchi - swampy land; Kairiku - land & sea
Age: 14
Birthdate: March 4
Star sign: Pisces
Birthplace: Cambridge, Massachusetts
Height: 5'0"
Hair: sandy blonde, with broad red stripes near her face; longish, usually in two Gungan-eyes pigtails
Eyes: blue
Skin tone: light, with lots of freckles on her shoulders and upper arms
Favorite colors: green and watery blue
Favorite gemstone: Mangana aqua jewel (the peridot-colored stone in Boss Nass' headpiece in TPM)
Favorite foods: PBJ and fettucine alfredo
Least favorite foods: chicken nuggets and paté (she's vegetarian)
Favorite school subjects: everything and anything, but especially biology and English
Least favorite school subject: going home!
Loves: school; learning; meeting people; being herself
Hates: being misunderstood (which happens a lot!)
Hobbies: studying, reading, writing, watching Star Wars
Best qualities: extremely intelligent; multitalented; funny; outgoing; philosophical
Worst qualities: jumps to conclusions; can't focus on one thing; sometimes overly logical; often misunderstood by kids and adults
Dreams: growing up; earning adults' respect; becoming an evolutionary geneticist
Words to describe her: wisdom and future
Powers: Naboo Swamp Envelop, Gungan Blue Ball Launch

Kairiku is the only child of wealthy parents who spoil her. She's incredibly intelligent; in the morning, she takes regular sixth grade classes, but in the afternoon she takes a class each day at Harvard, which is why she lives in Cambridge. Because she has to be both a little kid and a college student in the same day, she's really torn between wanting to be a child, having fun, but not being taken seriously by adults, and wanting to be a college-level genius, challenging herself, being respected, but feeling out of place; either way, she constantly feels like a freak show, an outcast. At school she's made fun of for being so smart, and at college, well, she's 13. Her parents are constantly pressuing her to do better, be smarter, break records, and it really bothers her. As a result, she spends a lot of time withdrawn, and she writes (mostly poetry) to vent her frustrations. When The Phantom Menace came out in May 1999, she went to see it with some kids from her sixth grade class, and even though they saw it as a joke, she really connected with Anakin, so she really got into Star Wars. (She kept count of the days until TPM came out on video...)

As Sailor Chibi Naboo, Kairiku represents Otoh Gunga more than she does Naboo. This the the reason for her Gungan-related attacks, her blue and green fuku, and her Gungan-ears ponytails.

Kairiku is currently dating none other than Anakin Skywalker, the renowned padawan to Obi-Wan Kenobi. (She and Anakin are so cute together! ;) )

Sailor Chibi Naboo

View more images of Sailor Chibi Naboo/Shicchi Kairiku

Non-transforming characters connected with Kairiku/Sailor Chibi Naboo:

Anakin, Kairiku's boyfriend

Read more about Kairiku/Sailor Chibi Naboo:

Life After Youth
The Lost Senshi
The Sailor Corellia Saga, Chapter 1
The Elusive Sith, Part III
Another Variation on Star-Crossed Lovers
Tales From the Room Behind the Waterfall, Part 1: The Love Letter
Surprise, Sutaru! The Birthday She'd Never Forget!
Check Please
Peetie's Valentine
You're My Angel

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