Sailor Nebula

Senshi of the Force and the Birth of Stars

In the name of the Force, and the Birth of Stars, I am Sailor Nebula!

Name: Chirudo Neburaa
Meaning: "child of the nebula"
Age: 12
Birthdate: June 16, 2013
Star sign: Gemini
Birthplace: Corellia
Height: 4'11"
Hair: purple; shoulder-length
Eyes: icy blue
Skin tone: fair
Flower: Nebula Orchids
Favorite colors: purple, blue, orange
Favorite gemstone: opal
Favorite foods: ice cream, veggies
Least favorite foods: most meats (she's a slight vegetarian; she won't eat just meat)
Favorite school subjects: Computer Lit., P.E.
Least favorite school subjects: anything else
Loves: computers; staring at the stars; spaceships
Hates: spiders; her brother when he bugs her
Hobbies: helping others out; hacking; training with Nom and Chakra
Best qualities: sarcasm; humor; can take responsibility when she has to
Worst quality: gets in the way sometimes
Dream: to have her own spaceship; to get a college degree
Word to describe her: revolution
Nebula Force Power, Make UP! - Neburaa holds her hands above her head, her wrists touching. Purple, blue, and pink rings of energy encircle her wrists, elbows, head, neck, torso, legs, ankles, and feet - a flash of purple light, and sh'e in her sailorfuku, arms crossed on her chest, leaning on a nebula circle.
Nebula Rings Bind! - Nebula holds her arms out to each side. Four rings of varying blue, pink, and blue nebula energy encircle her wrists. She brings her arms up, then out, at the enemy. The rings fly at the enemy, either binding them to immobility or just bouncing off them. She's not the strongest of the senshi.
Nebula Starbirth Mist! - Nebula closes her eyes, her arms crossed in front of her chest, her hands in fists. She whispers the words, and the enemy is surrounded by an opaque nebula, being slowly suffocated.
Sailor Nebula is also capable of using her purple-bladed lightsaber as well as her attacks.

Neburaa is the younger sister of Sailor Corellia. She is actually a twin, the older of the two; her sister's name is Nobaa. Neburaa arrived in the SWSS universe because her mother sent her for training, and because of her being the senshi of the Birth of Stars, Sailor Dathomir, Nom Da'Gara, picked her up as an apprentice. Neburaa has a lightsaber, with a purple blade.

Sailor Nebula

Non-transforming characters connected with Neburaa/Sailor Nebula:

Lucas Guarudeanu, Neburaa's older brother

Read more about Neburaa/Sailor Nebula:

The Sailor Corellia Saga, Chapter 2
The Sailor Corellia Saga, Chapter 3

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