Storywriting Tips

Written by the amazing and merciful Annika Nesicha/Sailor Bakura

When writing fanfiction for an RPG, try to incorporate other characters, as it makes a story more believable and enjoyable. I know your character is really interesting, but remember, so are others, and they can help to move a story along while adding needed variety.

After you have a story line in mind, it is a good idea to outline a start, middle, and ending. While not absolutely necessary, it helps keep the story tight and helps you focus on the plot without getting too drawn up in minor details and subplots.

You have the story, you know how it will progress and transpire, now decide what characters you are going to write. Now what? Firstly, check the characters list, as it changes regularly. A few things to remember are what characters will fit in with your particular story. Does a certain senshi have a certain attack that might help you with your plot? What about a certain personality? If you want to write a funny, light hearted tale, check to see which characters are the ones throwing the cream pies. The tricky pranksters are a group unto themselves and always add charm and high-jinx to a story. The same method applies to a dramatic fanfic. Choose characters that enhance the main plot and carry it along.

Most fanfic authors are egotistical (we all are, admit it!) and like to be the main character in a story they write. That’s wonderful, but remember you do want other people to read it, right? Once in a while, a story strictly about your character is encouraged. It lets the other members of the group learn more about your Senshi. I can’t stress the other characters enough! This is a group effort and as such, remember that other people possess really big egos too and LOVE to see their characters written in. Not every person in your story has to have dialogue. Sometimes just a mention is good. But those that do have lines, remember to keep them as faithful to the character as possible. If you are unsure about something, email the person privately and consult them. You don’t have to consult someone on every word, only if you want this character to say something that might be OOC (out of character).

About length… a story can be as short as you want, but how long… well… again, you do want other people to read it, right? If it’s too long, people will have a reluctance to read it. If it’s perfect the way it is, all 40 pages, then split it into sections, submitting one at a time. A good RPG fanfic usually runs the standard 2500 words, give or take a few hundred. Try not to make a tale more than 5000 words without breaking it up.

Having trouble writing that story?
You must have some idea of something! Come on, be truthful! OK, so maybe you don’t, but you really want to write a story. First thing, check the stories to see if the idea has been used. If it has, a few careful and clever changes can make it unique and enjoyable.

Basic plots for this type RPG fanfiction usually progress in this order: Hakuna Matatta (no worries), threat of conflict or actual conflict, resolution, Hakuna Matatta. In other words, it’s peaceful, some bad guys show up and get their butts kicked, the day is saved, it’s peaceful again. If your story doesn’t introduce something, i.e. new attack, new senshi, new Jedi, new Henshin… no serious explanations about conflict are required. Hey, bad guys just show up sometimes.

Say your story introduces a senshi’s new attack. Try to answer these questions: How does s/he become aware of this attack? A vision? A dream? A past life? An old diary? What does s/he use for this attack? Will there be a new item to go along with this attack? How does s/he acquire this item? A flea market? A mysterious person? Found under a rock? A present from someone? Questions like those are endless, but as always TRUST YOUR OWN JUDGEMENT AND CREATIVITY. You are always better than you think you are, and other members of the group are usually more than happy to help when you are in a pinch - just ask!! Fanfiction writers also like to show off their creativity (admit it!) and will innundate you with ideas if you need them.

I wouldn’t worry about grammar, as it is usually corrected before being posted. Most word processors have a spell checker; if yours doesn’t, don’t worry about it, it’ll probably be corrected as well.

Once again, let me remind you that this is YOUR story, and you can write it anyway you’d like, anything can happen in your story as long as it doesn’t go against StarMoon canon. Trust me, you’ll be told if it goes against StarMoon canon.

