Xarae's Saga, Part 2

Written by Xarae Sarin/Sailor Iridonia

Xarae returned to Maul not long after, holding a few round, yellow fruits. She silently offered one to him, and he took it from her. Sitting on the floor not far from him, Xarae began eating her breakfast. She took her time eating the sticky fruit, making sure not to get any nectar on her clean clothes. Maul soon walked out of the lift shaft, wiping his hands on his tunics.

"Those are very messy fruit." He stood by her, watching her eat daintily. "I'm going to need your help once you are finished with that." He sauntered over to where he was working before. She watched him out of the corner of her eye. Xarae slowly finished the last bites of the fruit, then joined Maul in the lift.

"Here, hold these tools for me." He handed her a good half-dozen worth of heavy, strange looking tools and began examining the complicated controls in front of him. She stood there silent, motionless, somewhat afraid. Truth be told, she just wanted to go home.

"I'm... very... sorry I hit you... Something came over me." He caught a quick glance at her over his shoulder. "I promise it won't happen again." Clearing his throat, he saw her lower her head. He returned to work.

Xarae watched his strong, nimble hands work over the controls like he knew it by heart. He probably does, she thought. She stood there for around ten awkwardly silent minutes before Maul finished. He took a tool from her and secured the panel again.

"I'm wondering..." he began. "How did you know my name?" Maul turned and faced her. Oh gods, she thought. Don't ask me that... She shrugged shyly in reply. "You don't know?" He pryed. Xarae closed her eyes. Enough of this game, he's going to find out sooner or later.

"You told me," she whispered.


"You told me. Your...." Xarae stopped.

"Go on. I won't tell anyone." He lifted her chin with his finger.

"Your mind told me." His eyes widened.

"You read my mind?" She didn't answer. "It's alright, I won't tell anyone. I promise." His hands grasped her arms assuringly. Xarae cringed. The way he was touching her... She reluctantly nodded. "Put down those tools." Xarae did as he asked. He helped her up into the cockpit and sat her down in the pilot's seat, kneeling before her and holding her hands. "Sahara." It felt so strange to Xarae for him to call her that. "Sahara... Have you ever heard of something called the Force?" She shook her head no, and he sighed. "I'm not supposed to be telling you any of this, but I'm going to anyway. You can't tell anyone any of what I am going to tell you. Understood?" She swallowed hard and whispered yes in agreeance.

"So, you understand all of this now?"

"Yes," Xarae said.

"Very good." Maul stood up and walked over to a window, staring outside at the sun high in the sky.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone," she assured. He nodded slightly.

"I'm sorry to have kept you so long. You may leave if need be."

"Yes, I... really need to be getting home now."

"Does your husband worry about you?" He had to ask. He had to know if she was married. Not that it mattered...

"I'm not married," she answered, picking up her things. Say something.... flatter her.

"I'm surprised. I would expect such a beautiful woman like you to have suitors lined up to marry her." He turned to look at her, and Xarae blushed visibly.

"I.... can bring you water and food later if I can get out of doing chores.."

"Don't worry about me." He turned back to the window, smiling, as Xarae left.

Her quickened steps made the twigs on the ground snap and crackle. She kept glancing back at the gleaming starship behind her as she made her way home. Xarae was in a daze, almost. The intensity of Maul's words had left an incredible impact on her. A force? That controlled every aspect of life? A force that he could control? She was in awe of him now. Strangely, as soon as he told her of his training, his trials, all her fear was of him was banished. His loyalty! To dedicate all his life to the preservation of an order? To endure the pain he had! She couldn't imagine the torture that he had endured while getting his tattoos. She wanted to be as dedicated and as strong as he was. And almost more alarming: she could. When he had told her that she had these capabilities, this "Force," Xarae had gasped aloud. She never would have guessed that her unusual abilities were derived from a universal power. A power she could control! Finally, something that she could prove herself in. Finally, something to show that she wasn't one to be underestimated. Her young, eager side took over, and Xarae began to actually become excited. She wanted to go with this man, have him teach her everything there was to know. She began building memories on things that were yet to happen. She clutched her bag closer to her chest, sighing. One thing remained: Why had he told her all of this? Why entrust her, a complete stranger, with the secrets of these "Sith"? A chill ran up her spine, and she quickened her pace.

Maul stared out the window. He was as close to giddy as he could ever remember being. The way she had looked at him had banished any rancor from his mind. The way her fear had subsided like a wave when he had told of his life... Maul sighed. The beautiful little native girl wasn't afraid anymore. She revered him! She thought of him as intelligent, strong, loyal. Not that he wasn't any of these things, but yet, the sudden transformation of her feelings had both alarmed and delighted him. Work would be hard now. He grinned.

Gods, I hope the beast isn't home... Xarae thought as she broke through the underbrush and gazed upon her family's dwelling. I wonder how I'm going to talk myself out of this one... The smile gracing her face turned itself upside down, and she walked into the thatch roof hut. Xarae's footsteps were so light that her mother didn't hear them. The large woman was the only person home, silently sewing with her back to the open door. Xarae took a deep breath and placed her sack behind a pile of firewood.

"Mother, I'm home." She whirled around, her eyes burning with fury.

"WHERE have you been?" she yelled, storming over up to her daughter.

"Mama, I swear, I got lost, and to seek shelter form the storm I had to--" Her mother cut her off with a hard slap across the face.

"Don't you give me that! Running away like you did! Do you know how much trouble you're in? Not to mention that you left your poor mother here with all the housework and chores!" she shouted, shoving the sewing into Xarae's face. "Your father will have your head this time, path jumper! But until then, sew this, wash the dishes, and make a fire!" The lathargic beast of a woman stormed out of the hut, yelling in their native language and throwing her hands up in the air.

Xarae whimpered. Her cheek really stung. Maul hadn't hit her as hard as her mother just did. She could almost feel the red welts rising on her flesh. A cold breeze reminded her to get to work, so she sat down and began diligent work on the torn tunic of her brother's. Her mother was a very poor seamstress, and all her stiches were loose and clumsy. Xarae had to go over every single one. It took her upwards of fifteen minutes to do the simple, five minute task because of her mother's laziness and ignorance. She was just finishing when she heard a deep laugh from outside. Her heart stopped.

"Kuta! Tesa tesa ni hya toi--" The large man stepped into the doorway, stopping midsentence upon seeing Xarae.

"Neho, semata," she said feebly, greeting her father in their language. Xarae bowed her head.

"NI TAKA XARY RAYE!!" She didn't hear him walk over to her as he cursed at her. A large, strong hand grabbed her by the arm and flung her on the dusty floor like a rag doll. "Noi no proasto! Ziooni!" He threw a clay jar down on her, shattering it on her cowering form. She looked up to see him take his leather whip off of its hook.

"Noya! Noya semata! Toyu! Toyu!" she pleaded with her father in the only language he understood, backing away from him.

"Soas soas kriak noy waats mattatta xary raye." You won't go unpunished this time, path jumper.

"Noya semata! Noosa kaiow miira!"

"KIIRAE!!" He reached down, grabbing her by the neck and holding her above his head. The strong scent of alcohol wafted from him. He was drunk again. Xarae winced at the odor, shutting her eyes. A salty tear slipped down her face as she struggled to get out of his grasp. She dug her nails into the skin on his arm, kicked him in the gut, but he still held her fast in his strong hands. He held her there, dangling, staring at her with infuriated eyes until suddenly his angry expression turned serious. "Ka wa matu le kiena suto ota, nietumo." I smell a man on you, little one. Xarae's eyes widened, and she gasped for breath.

"NO!! No father, I swear! I swear I'm still pure, papa! I swear I--" He cut short her hurried Basic by flinging her to the ground. She repeated her frantically screeched Basic in tongue, holding onto her neck with two hands.

"KIIRAE!!" The man's eyes seemes to go up in flames. He brought the whip up above his head, and snapped it down upon her shaking body. It hit her shoulder like a lightning bolt. She cried out in pain, and another slash came down upon her back. Again and again the whip was brought down upon her body, all her scars opening up again. After a while, the pain became overwhelming, forcing Xarae to almost fall to the ground. Her back and shoulders became numb to everything but the pain from the whip. Each lash made a tidal wave of pain and wash over her. Even though the torture seemed to last forever, Xarae wouldn't let herself pass out. Too many times she had fallen unconscious by his hand. Today would be different. Today she would not, she told her herself. Xarae made an effort to stiffen every time he lashed at her.

Maul moaned again, rubbing his back the best he could with a hydrospanner. Dammit, he thought. What the hell did I do? He arched his spine against the burning on his shoulders and let his head fall back as he slouched to the floor. Cursing, he ripped off his tunics, throwing them to the floor to feel his smooth skin. If only that girl were here. He tried to imagine her small, strong hands deftly massaging the taught muscles on his back.

Xarae fell hard on the ground, slamming her head on a rock. She felt the hot blood seep out of the fresh wound, her head suddenly throbbing.

"Iey-no ta ta koino se ne no ta!" The large man kicked Xarae in the stomach again. She rolled over, cupping her hand over her mouth to catch the sticky crimson blood that poured out. "Tu ta te koya." He threw the whip at her and stormed back into the hut. Suddenly everything was uncomfortably quiet again, spare Xarae's painful moans. Coughing up more blood, she lifted her head just enough to look around. A few children had stopped playing ball to stare at her. Other than that, no one was there. She shut her eyes in embarassment and struggled to stand up.

"Toota te nesa kaya?" A tall, lanky boy emerged from the group of children, asking her if she needed any help.

"Nota ki suta maitoh." Xarae said weakly, stumbling to her feet. "Go away." She glared at the children, and they ran off, fleeing like birds from a carcass. Doubled over, holding her stomach, Xarae painfully began to walk towards Kiruon's home. Her back and gut made it hard to stand. She tried to find a walking position that would lessen the pain in the places she had been beaten, but her body wouldn't have it. Keep your mind off the pain she said to herself over and over again. Xarae cursed under her breath, spitting out blood from her split lip. The blood streamed out of her nose too, dripping onto the path and leaving a trail of dark spots in the dust. Gazing at these spots, everything became suddenly surreal, watching her feet plod through the dirty, dusty path, momentarily blacking out whenever she stumbled. Every agonizing movement sent waves of pain through her body. God, I must be losing a lot of blood. I'm going insane, Xarae thought, suddenly faltering and falling in the middle of the road in front of her sister's hut.

"Kiruon!" she yelled, swallowing down vomit in the process. "Kiruon!" She fought with herself to stay awake, despratly screaming out her sister's name. It seemed like hours she was there, yelling with what voice she had left. What's wrong? Kiruon always came to Xarae's aid when this happened. Maybe it would be better if I just died here. Teary eyed, she looked up to the heavens, praying for sweet death to release her from the hell she lived in. Suddenly, as if on cue, someone appeared in the doorway. Unfortunately, it was only a drunken Hilaxede.

"Go away, you stupid whore! She's not home!" He was incredibly drunk. Xarae couldn't imagine how intoxicated he would be tonight.

"Please Hilaxede..." She restrained herself from vomiting again.

"You ARE a stupid whore, aren't you? Go away NOW!" The short, burly man came out of the hut and walked up to Xarae, kicking her heard in the rib cage three, four, five, six times. She felt something break, cracking inside her with a loud snap and a sharp bolt of pain. She squinted her eyes tightly and clenched her teeth. "She's not here." He kicked her again for good measure and quickly returned to the shadows from which he had come.

Xarae gasped, widening her eyes and put her hand to her abdomen. She wanted to scream, but she couldn't take in a deep enough breath without becoming shocked with spasms of pain from her broken ribs. She became dizzy every time she tried to breathe. I'm going to die here. I can't breathe. Letting out a sad whimper, she began to crawl toward the woods, preparing to just lay down and never get up.

Xarae moaned gently and turned her head towards Maul. He glanced down at the small woman in his arms and pressed her head closer to his bare chest, continuing to walk deeper into the woods.

"Someone really hurt you badly, didn't they, pretty?" he whispered to the unconcious Xarae. She moaned again. "I think you need some rest." He stepped over a rock that jutted out of the land and came over the top of the small hill he was climbing. He looked down through the trees at a crystalline pond at the bottom of the mossy hill. Sighing, he began to make his way to the limpid pond below.

Maul gently laid Xarae on a bed of flower petals. The fragrant white petals from the beautifully wispy trees above them fell like a gentle rain when the wind blew. The small pond was covered in them.

"I'm going to take this off of you. Okay?" He took Xarae's saber that he had been using to make his way through the forest and skillfully cut open the front of her blouse. The thin fabric tore easily, revealing another, tighter, halter-like top underneath. He placed the saber back down on the ground and gazed at her voluptous form. Should I? He looked at her closed eyes. I can take her right here and leave... Maul sat there until Xarae moaned again, snapping him out of his daydream of sorts. She saved me...I guess I owe her this. He sighed. Then, the movement of her fingers made him glance at her outstretched hand. She was feeling the soft petals with her long fingers, grasping them and letting them fall through her digits, feeling the air tentatively with her beautifully frail fingers, as if groping for someone to hold on to, like a hand that should be there.

"Are you going to wake up?" He tore a small piece of cloth off of her blouse and dipped it in the nearby pond. Xarae moved her head again. "Calm down." He began cleaning off her face, using soft, small motions to wipe the dried blood off her skin. She arched her back in response, pressing her face against his hand. "Feels good?" Maul reached across her chest, grasping her moving hand in his. She wound her fingers through Maul's and took a firm hold on him. Xarae slowly opened her eyes. She let out a small whimper and looked around, obviously confused.

"Am I.... dead?" she asked quietly as a light breeze blew a shower of petals on them.

"No, you're not dead." She didn't answer him, but took in her surroundings. "If you were dead, this wouldn't hurt." He pressed hard on her ribs with the wet piece of cloth. Xarae squeezed her eyes shut. Maul stopped pressing on her, and she sighed in relief.

"How did I get here?" she asked after catching her breath.

"I could feel your pain through the Force, so I decied to find you and pay you back for the favor you did me." She shut her eyes and looked away from her gaze. "Now just relax. I'm going to heal you now."

"You can heal?" she asked in amazement.

"So can you." He brought her hand up to the side of his muscular torso, moving her hand up and down his soft skin where his wound should have been.

"How did I...."

"I told you. You possess these abilities as well. By merely wishing my wound to heal up, you closed it with your will." Xarae gasped, taken aback. "Now, just calm down and relax." Maul brought his leg over her trembling body, straddling her and pinning her to the ground.

"Will this hurt?" She looked him in the eye, disoriented, confused, and bewildered.

"Just calm down." She grasped Maul's hand tightly as he took the palm of his hand and pushed it against her pained rib. "Take a deep breath." As soon as he muttered the words, a searing hot wave of energy seemed to emanate from his hand. Xarae opened her eyes wide, taking in a deep breath as the energy washed through her body. It felt so surprisingly cleansing and uplifting, she was almost dissappointed when it ended. Xarae laid in shock for a few moments, staring blankly into Maul's gloden yellow eyes, taking in deep breaths and sweating.

"Are you alright?" he finally asked, squeezing her hand. Xarae took a breath and paused before answering.

"I... think so."

"Can you stand up?"

"I... I don't want to try," she said reluctantly. Another sprinkling of flower petals fell as a breeze moved through the woods.

"That's perfectly fine. I understand." He let go of her hand, slowly sliding off of her body, and began unstrapping his boots. Xarae throught of saying something but stopped herself. All of this.... was so insanely surreal, like it was all happening in slow motion. Not minutes ago when she had awoken, Xarae was confused and disoriented, a flood of incredibly conflicting emotions surging through her. But now, she felt the total opposite, peaceful, serene, calm, as if this "Force" had somehow sorted out her whirring thoughts. She felt like she had been touched by a god. She became aware of the silence, watching the taut, tattooed muscles on Maul's shoulders ripple as he removed his heavy boots and nonchalantly threw them to the side. Xarae watched him more closely as he waded slowly into the pond, almost fully clothed. She stared at his crimson and ebony skin designs, taking in his beautiful body while this high was still making everything dreamlike. He broke the magical silence with his voice.

"Come here. I need to heal up your back." Maul offered her his hands, and she crawled to them, abruptly, impulsively taking them for support. He helped her walk into the chilly water, where he turned her away from him and slowly pulled off her torn blouse. Xarae gritted her teeth as he tugged off the cloth that had been almost beaten into her skin.

"Who did this to you?" he asked almost to himself, obviously not wanting or needing an answer. Xarae heard him move around in the water, and before she could turn around, he had draped a long, wet strip of cloth across her shoulders. She shivered visibly. "Cold?" She nodded a little. "This water is very chilly." Maul put his hands heavy on her arms and began rubbing her shoulders with his thumbs. Xarae felt another smaller, yet still intoxicating wave of energy come from his hand and ripple along her back. Her knees weakened form this sudden shock, and she fell back into Maul's waiting arms.

"Get ahold of yourself." He took her by the arms and whirled her around to face him. "Don't you pass out now." He let her tired body fall and rest against his own.

"I... I just want to get some sleep...." Xarae laid her head gently against his chest. Maul felt his heart leap to his throat, as if he was surprised she was making physical contact with him. Quickly, he searched for comforting words.

"I know." He looked down at her and almost reluctantly brought one hand up and began stroking her head gently. Xarae sighed as Maul began to run his hand up and down her back, closing up the deep gashes in her flesh with the Force. Every time he sent the Force through her, Xarae would moan and tighten her hold around Maul's waist.

"Does this feel good?" he asked quietly. She moaned again in response. "Don't fall asleep. We don't know if you have a concussion or not."

"I'm not going to fall asleep... This just feels so relaxing, like a million weights are being lifted from my back." She picked her head up from his naked chest and looked up into his amber eyes.

Maul's heart seemed to stop as he fixed his eyes on hers. He had forgotten how beautifully entrancing her eyes were. Another gentle wind sprinkled the two with petals and slowly, instinctively, he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her damp body to his. He could feel her soft, supple breats against his own chest, and he became weak in the knees.

Xarae knew she should be nervous, shaking, but feeling his arms around her was strangely natural, like they were two puzzle peices that eased together perfectly. Her hands wandered up to his neck like she was a puppet on strings, not knowing why she was doing it, but at the same time, wanting it. Maul pushed her closer to him by her back, close enough to hear his heart beating in a fast time with hers. She closed her eyes and took in deep breaths anxiously, her chest rising and falling against his. His sweet, naturally enrapturing musk drifted into her conscious. She thought she would pass out from the estcasy. The spicy, seusous tones of scent seemed to caress her. She opened her eyes and looked at Maul again.

"Kiss me," Xarae whispered spontaneously. Xarae watched the expression of surprise wash over Maul's face. He caught his quickening breath to answer her.

"Whatever the lady wants..." Maul held his breath as he closed his eyes and leaned in to kiss Xarae. I can't believe I'm actually doing this.... Their lips tenderly, lightly brushed against each other suddenly, and he felt both himself and Xarae pull back in surprise. She took a deep breath and wound her fingers around Maul's neck, standing on her tiptoes and pulling his mouth to hers. Maul felt his body flush with heat from the feel of her lips against his own. Her sweet breath was like an aphrodesiac, making him dizzy with pleasure. He bent down and drew Xarae still closer to himself. His hands moved up and down her body. He wanted to feel every square inch of her. The urge to strip her down and take her became stronger with each passing second. He could not help but become aroused. Xarae moaned as Maul leaned over, deepening the kiss. She felt him boldly, awkwardly push his tongue into her mouth, and again she moaned in both resistance and pleasure. The sweet alluring scent of him still taunted her. She wanted more. She wished she could stand there forever kissing Maul, yet at the same time, she was afraid of her own passions and desires. Suddenly, taking her face in his hands, Maul pulled her away gently from the passionate kiss. Xarae opened her eyes to look at him. A still silence took its turn between the two as again they stared into each other's eyes.

Maul broke the awkward silence by reaching up and plucking a petal out of Xarae's braid. She followed his hand with her eyes as he dropped the petal back into the pond and brought it back around her waist, pulling her close for another kiss.

"No," she whispered softly, putting two fingers to his awaiting lips. "No, no I...." She pried his hands off of herself nervously. "I have to leave." Xarae took the long strip off of her shoulders and clumsily waded out of the pond. "Thank you," she said quietly, stumbling and falling on her knees in the flower petals on land.

"Wait!" She turned her head to face Maul, who was walking out of the pond towards her.

"I have to leave now." Putting her arms around herself, Xarae fumbled to stand up and then sprinted off into the dense woods.

"Wait!" Maul yelled again, dashing out of the water after her, but it was already pointless to chase her. "Dammit!" he cursed to himself, dropping his wet leg wrap on the ground. He fell to his knees and put his face in his hands, cursing himself for not taking his chance with the girl. What kind of a man ARE you?? Suddenly, the sharp beep of the comlink on his wrist sounded, almost knocking him over in surprise. He quickly answered it. "My Master."

"Maul, where are you? Your signal is weak. And why havn't you contacted me??" Darth Sidious's gravelly voice echoed through the comlink.

"Master, my ship crash landed on an unknown planet... I think it may be Akirion, Master."

"Akirion? Um. How quickly can you return?" The static, water-logged crackle increased in intensity.

"Probably about seven standard days, Master."

"Very good." Silence. "Maul, are you failing to tell me something?" Maul cursed to himself. He hadn't intended on telling Sidious about Xarae. If he doesn't ask, you don't tell him. But now he would have to.

"Master, there is... a girl here. She posses incredible Force abilities, more than anyone untrained I've ever seen."

"The Dark Side?"

"Yes Master." Sidious paused.

"Maul, I feel you are not telling me the whole truth. Anything else? About this girl?" Maul cleared his throat.

"She... is incredibly beautiful Master."

"Is that all?"

"What else would you wish to know Master?" Maul flinched. Talking back to his master -- bad idea. I shouldn't have done that... He wished he could rewind time just a little bit...

Keep reading "Xarae's Saga"...
Xarae's Saga, Part 3

About the Senshi in this story:

Xarae/Sailor Iridonia

