Rana's Story

Written by Rana Waru

It was the night of the ball on Elvia. Rana stood before the mirror, smoothing out her cream-colored gown. Tonight was the night! One of the Waru princesses would be chosen to carry out the mission of the Pii-sa - that is, to convert as many Jedi as they could to Sith. Rana couldn't wait.

"Rana, the ball is about to start," a voice called through the door.

"I'll be right there!" Rana called back, adjusting her platinum-blonde hair. She was very pretty, with bright teal eyes that stood out against her dark skin. She had to look her best tonight; Kael, her betrothed, would be there. She knew he had to marry her anyway, but she really did want him to like her.

"Rana... if you don't come you'll be -"

"I know!" Rana cried in exasperation. She gathered her skirt and walked into the hallway. "How do I look?" she asked.

"Good," her sister, Shila, replied. "But not as good as me."

Rana rolled her eyes. "Thanks, I guess."

They walked into the main ballroom. It was beautifully furnished, done in rich shades of crimson with a touch of gold.

"There you are," said Rana and Shila's other sister, Mela. "Mother is getting a little angry."

They turned to their mother's throne. She was the Elf Queen and never let anyone forget it. "Thank you for coming tonight," she said, a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

"You're welcome, Mother," Shila said, obviously taking her seriously.

"Just behave at the ball tonight, understand?" the Elf Queen asked. "And remember, one of you shall be chosen to carry out the mission of the Pii-sa."

Each of the girls clasped their hands, hoping it would be them. It was a great honor to be chosen.

"I'm glad you all could make it," the Elf Queen announced to the guests once they had arrived. "Today we shall choose one of my daughters to go on the quest, to succeed in the mission." Everyone applauded. "Well, enjoy the ball!" she shouted, and suddenly music started.

Rana looked around for Kael. If she was chosen for the mission, this would be the last time she saw him for a while.

She pushed through people and squinted. Still no sign of him. She walked into one of the smaller ballrooms, and there he was! Kael was a young Pii-sa with long, black hair that he wore in a high ponytail. He wore a black leather outfit. It's the ball, and he wears clothing like a rock star, Rana thought, a little annoyed. But she still thought he was cute.

"Hi, Rana," he said, sounding a little nervous. He turned even paler than he already was.

"Hello, Kael," Rana said, winking playfully and moving toward him.

"Uh... do you hope you're chosen?" he asked uncomfortably as she wrapped her arms around his small waist.

"Well... if I'm chosen, I'll be a hero, maybe even the next Queen. But if not, then I can stay here with you forever..."

Kael paled even more at the thought. He didn't really like Rana; she could be so bossy and was way too controlling. He actually had his eye on Ann, a small elf-girl who lacked Rana's stunning beauty but was cute in her own way. He would never tell Rana this for fear she would do something to Ann. You could never tell with Rana.

"So... do you want me to go?" Rana asked, running her fingers through his hair.

Kael gulped. "Well... um..." It seemed like there were only two options: lie or die. "No, of course not," he said quickly as her hold on his raven tresses tightened.

"Good," Rana purred, releasing her grip. Kael stumbled a little.

"Um... Rana... what if you don't -"

"Oh, I just can't bear to think what I would do without you!" Rana cried suddenly, throwing herself dramatically into his arms.

Kael blinked his orange eyes. "Um... me neither," he said, hoping that was what she wanted him to say.

"Good," Rana said again, still in his arms.

"Rana! It's time to - Oh, I hope I wasn't interrupting anything," Mela said, her eyes widening.

"It's not what it looks like," Kael said.

"Yes it is," Rana said wickedly. She followed her sister into the main ballroom. Kael sighed and followed.

"The council has made its decision," the Elf Queen said. "The daughter who will carry out the mission is... Rana!"

Rana gasped. She knew that wasn't a very ladylike thing to do, but she couldn't help herself. Imagine! Rana Waru, the chosen one! Kael looked relieved. He hoped Rana wouldn't notice. Mela and Shila looked terribly jealous. They scowled at Rana.

"Congratulations," the Elf Queen said. "You will go to Coruscant first. We'll give you your own ship, the Dark Elf. I also have something else to give you." The beautiful queen reached into her pocket and pulled out a small jewel on a chain. "This necklace contains the spirit of Yuuta. He was our ancestor from long ago. He lives on in the Dark Side."

Rana took the necklace and put it on her delicate neck. "I'm so honored," she said. Rana knew she would remember this day forever.

"Almost there," Rana said happily as she steered her shiny, red ship into Coruscant's atmosphere.

"Remember, your objective is to wipe out every trace of good you can," Yuuta said. The red stone lit up as he spoke.

"I know. And I must convert every Jedi to evil, so the Jedi Temple will be the Sith Temple," Rana added.

"Don't forget the Sailor Jedi," Yuuta reminded her.

Rana stiffened. "Yes, them. I really detest them," she hissed. To Rana, the Sailor Jedi were like idiotic little cheerleaders of justice. They must be squashed... they must be squashed... Rana thought.

About the Senshi in this story:


