A Peek into an Egomaniac's Mind

Written by Puck

Dear Oh-So-Loving Computerized Journal,

This is my first entry in you, Oh-So-Loving Computerized Journal. I'm not really sure why I decided to keep you in the first place, but I'll call it an impulse that I simply couldn't ignore. I think, before I fill you up with my thoughts, desires, and events, that I should describe myself and what I shall be doing in this entry. So, here we go...

If you were to travel down one of the more dark and ominous alleys of Coruscant, you would come across a door. Now, while it might not be odd to see a door in an alley, this one would be quite out of place. This door would lay flat on the ground, and what was inside would be even stranger, but I'll get to that later.

My name is Puck. Now, I know what you're thinking! "Puck... what kind of a girl's name is THAT?!" You'd be wrong. For one, I'm not a girl. 'Girl' is typically used to describe human females. I'm not human. Female, yes; but human, no. In fact, my species is only female... go figure, I don't know why, so don't come crawling to me for answers! For two... I've seen weirder names. Like the name Griselda. Who in their right mind would name their kid that! But I digress...

For one frustrating year, I've known my purpose in life. Well... I've only existed for that one frustrating year, but that doesn't make too much of a difference, not to me. So, for this year, I've been trained in what I'm supposed to do, and frankly, I can't wait for my time to shine! I'm a Pixii, and my job is to steal the past lives of people, which are in gem form. Kinda weird, yes, but that's what I'm supposed to do. Apparently, Mistress Leila has been waiting for a really long time to plan her attack. She hasn't really told me why she wants the Pixii like me to hunt these gems yet, but I'm sure I'll learn eventually. That, or it's time for me to start training in the art of eavesdropping when Mistress talks to her dead cat about her plans. Mistress is a little... well... y'know... crazy. Don't tell her I said that! If you do, I know where you live! Eh... I can find out where you live.

Anyway, I should probably describe myself, huh? Well, I look about fifteen. I'm not too tall, and I'm not too short. I'm just right! I've got light green hair done up in two wavy ponytails that reach to my knees, and one pigtail that just sort of sits on top of my head. I've got gorgeous violet eyes that will no doubt attract a really hot guy to me one day. In all, I'd say I'm exceptionally beautiful. If you don't agree with me, you're a moron who doesn't have a good-taste bone in your body. I look like a dull, average human when I'm among them, but really I have two big, transparent silver wings, and my ears are a bit pointier. It's not that much of a physical difference, yes, but the fact that I'm superior just seems to stand out wonderfully. I've been told I have an ego complex by one of the other, less significant Pixii. She wasn't very pretty, compared to me, so she was probably just ugly, jealous, AND an idiot.

I recently found out that I should find my first target. So, I've been looking for the perfect victim for Mistress. She told me to try out removing Gems from people randomly, as practice. That's really thoughtful of her, even though I probably don't NEED practice. I'm naturally perfect. Right now, I'm thinking of finding a really cute guy with a Gem to steal. Maybe, if he doesn't die or anything, I could get to know him better. If removing Gems just makes the victim a slave to whomever took it... even better. Damn it, I am gonna LOVE this job! Plus, it's guilt-free! Well, I'm not really sure what guilt IS. I think it's something humans are always going on and on about... at least from me dropping in on their conversations. "Oh! I feel so guilty about having that helping of dessert! I'm watching my weight, after all!" or "You have guilt all over your face." Now, this just plain confuses me. Is guilt a painful sensation, like getting your hair caught in the door, or what? I didn't see anything on the supposedly-guilt-faced human. So I'm guessing Guilt is a painful pimple that hasn't quite shown up yet, but some humans can detect when one's about to pop up on someone else's face. Hey! I'm probably right! Who said you can't have brains AND beauty, because I just proved him wrong!

I was talking about a door earlier, wasn't I? Right. That's the doorway to where I, Mistress Leila, and the other (insignificant!) Pixii live. When you open the door, you're greeted to a long, upside-down, black hallway which is really a portal to something of an alternate dimension. I don't understand it myself, but just as long as it works and doesn't directly apply to me, I don't particularly care. Humans and various other species can't see the door, not unless they have some sort of inner power or something along those lines. That's why the door is in an almost Jedi-free area of Coruscant, which is a terrific idea if I ever heard one. Those damn nosy Jedi... whenever I pass one, they look at me really weird. Almost like they're trying to figure out why I have such a strange aura, but they can't quite figure out how. Ha! Just proves they're worthless, like almost everything else.

What I'm wondering about are those 'Sailor Jedi' chicks I've heard a lot of. They seem to be seen a lot on Coruscant, and that makes me feel just a tad uneasy. Never seen one in person, but I've read all sorts of things about them in Bantha Beat. I'm not worried, though. I mean, come on, have you SEEN these chicks?! One of them attacks with butterflies, of all things, and another attacks with pink sand. Butterfly and pink sand attacks. That HAS to be THE most hilarious thing I've ever heard of. There are a lot of other ridiculous attacks too, from what I've heard, but I don't feel like typing in all the ones I can think of. FAR too many. In short, they won't pose a threat. Not in the least. I'm not worried about those 'Sailor Sith' girls either. Anyone who wants to pounce about in a sailor suit, be they evil or good, has to have something wrong upstairs.

I am now very tired of typing into you, Oh-So-Loving Computerized Journal. I think I'll go look around for a good target... maybe I can find one if I go to a singing bar... or see a good holofilm... it doesn't particularly matter. You'll probably hear from me again once I've claimed the first victim.

Until then... Puck, signing off.

About the Senshi in this story:


