The Droid of Doom

By Kirana/Sailor Omwat

“Kirana! Come quick!” Chikako shrieked. Her brown hair flew into her face as she spun around the corner. Her blue eyes were wide with fear.

“Chikako, what’s wrong?” Kirana asked, her voice calm.

“It’s your droid, R2-K4! It’s... on the fritz or something! You have to stop it!”

Kirana didn’t know whether to follow Chikako or start laughing hysterically.

Just then, Ame and Aisu ran into the room, screaming their heads off. “HELP!” Aisu cried.

“Evil droid!” added Ame.

“I’ll go see what it is,” Kirana said, beginning to leave.

“NO!” everyone else cried at once.

“Oh, come on, it’s not gonna eat me,” Kirana said.

“I wouldn’t be so sure about that,” Aisu said.

Finally, they got the courage to leave the room. “Where is the droid?” Kirana asked.

Before anyone could answer her, Annika ran past, squealing in terror. “AHHHHHHH!” she cried. “It’s gonna eat me!”

She grabbed Kirana’s hand, and they flew into Priire’s room. Kendren, Obi-Wan, Ben and Kousotsu were also there.

“It’s not what it looks like,” Priire said.

“Yeah, me and Priire were playing sabacc and -” Kendren began.

Just then, Yukiko and Shuorong flew in, screaming. (What else?) “Kirana, your droid is -”

“Going wacko, I know. But it’s not like it’s hurting anyone or -” Suddenly R2-K4 wheeled in. Sparks flew from the little droid, and it made a loud buzzing sound. Also, it seemed to be headed straight for Annika. “Aaahh!” she cried.

Obi-Wan picked Annika up and began to run with her. “Come on!” he cried. They relocated, the droid of doom following them.

“There, the door’s locked,” Priire assured everybody.

Ame was in Annika’s arms, Annika was in Obi-Wan’s arms, Priire was in Kousotsu’s arms, Kirana was in Kendren’s arms, Aisu was in Yuki’s arms and Yuki looked like she wanted to be in Ben’s arms. But at least everyone was safe.

“What do we do now?” Shuorong asked, frightened.

“Um, just wait till it stops?” Chikako volunteered.

“I bet it’s waiting,” Ame said. Annika looked like she wanted to agree.

“Maybe we could, like, whack it or something -”

"Who’s gonna try it, Annika? You?” Priire crossed her arms.

“Well... um... no.”

“You guys are such scaredy cats!” Ben said. “I’ll go ‘risk my life’ and shut it off.”

“Ben - no!” Yuki cried.

They heard strange noises, but no one dared to look. Just when everyone was sure they’d never see the purple-haired boy again, he returned. “Um... Kirana... you’d better come,” he said. She pulled away from Kendren and nervously walked out of the room. Ben pointed to what used to be her droid.

“Oh, my...” she gasped.

The droid, instead of being purple and white, was now blackened. It was almost beyond repair.

“It can be fixed, right?” she asked.

“I hope so,” Ben said.

By then, everyone else had come out.

“Whoa,” Annika said.

“What in the galaxy happened to it?!?” Shuorong cried.

“I don’t know,” Kirana said, “I don’t know.”

None of them noticed the yellow eyes peeking out from the shadows...

About the Senshi in this story:

Chikako/Sailor Myrkr
Kirana/Sailor Omwat
Ame/Sailor Chibi Serenity
Aisu/Sailor Chibi Hoth
Annika/Sailor Bakura
Priire/Sailor Asteroid
Ben/Coruscant Knight
Kousotsu/Tuxedo Jedi
Yukiko/Sailor Hoth
Shuorong/Sailor Chibi Bespin

