
Written by Seijoutai Priire/Sailor Asteroid

"Look, all we have to do is get there, steal the animal, and get home!"

Considering the speaker was Priire, and that she was talking to Nom, it seemed just as simple as she'd said. However, since the animal in question was a targ, it was not simple at all.

"How do you propose we acquire one of these beasts?" Nom questioned, raising an eyebrow.

Priire grinned. "I have it covered!" she laughed. "Coru owes me one. I'll just get her to open a gate to that galaxy, and poof! We're there!"

"Then how do we acquire a targ?"

The blonde grinned again. "Easy. All of those big green bird-shaped ships have them. We just find one of those, break in, and steal the targ! Then Coru opens the gate back up, and we walk out!"

"It would seem that your plan is a logical one. When will we proceed?"

"Now!" Priire exclaimed. "Everyone else is at the After-Valentine's-Day-Sales, so no one'll miss us."


"These outfits are not logical," the Dathomrian grumbled as she and Priire slid on their costumes.

Priire shrugged her way into the very short red dress and tugged at its black collar. "I kind of like them. The blue looks really good on you."

The redheaded guardian grumbled at them. "Hurry up! Lance is signing autographs! I want to get there before he gets swamped."

Priire and Nom exchanged a look. "Whatever. Transport us!"

"The correct term," Ippin growled as they dissolved into sparkles, "is energize."


The pair of travelers found themselves standing — not falling, like leaps usually left them — in the intersection of three hallways. "I have this great tingly feeling," Priire giggled. "Right in the middle of my back!"

Nom nodded. "The sensation was... interesting."

The blonde smoothed out her red dress and glanced around. "I wonder if this is one of those ships? Do you sense anything unusual?"

Shaking her head, Nom indicated one of the hallways. "I believe if we travel in this direction, we will come upon a group of sentient beings."

Priire nodded. Whatever this place was, she knew that she and Nom could handle it. Even though Ippin wouldn't let them carry their blasters. Something about disrupting timelines.

They walked down the hallway, carefully watching everything around them. Thus, they weren't quite surprised when a door opened and a man wearing a gold shirt and black pants strode out. Considering he ran headlong into Priire, the pair was a little taken off-guard.

"I'm sorry, Ensign...?"

Priire glanced at Nom. Neither was sure how to answer the hazel-eyed man. "Epitaur," Priire finally said with a smile.

The man frowned as he helped her up and shook brown hair out of his eyes. "I don't remember your name on the roster of new crewmen." His eyes narrowed.

There wasn't any time for Priire or Nom to do anything because another man walked up to them.

"Captain. There is a temporal disturbance located somewhere on this deck. The computers indicate that two lifeforms may have gained access to the ship. Permission to begin a search," the dark-haired man finished and stood at ease. From her viewpoint, Priire could see that he had slightly pointed ears.

"No need, Mr. Spock. I believe I've found them."


With her booted feet propped up on a wall adjacent to a forcefield and the fact she was in a brig, no one would have guessed what Priire was discussing with Nom. "That 'Spock' guy sounds just like you."

Nom raised an eyebrow. "Fascinating."

"You wouldn't happen to want to let us out," Priire called sweetly to the security guard. "Would you?"

The guard shook his head. "No."

Priire looked at Nom and grinned. "This is where you come into play."

Nodding, the Dathomarian warrior witch concentrated and spoke a few words. The guard yelled in surprise when the forefield lowered itself and the two women stepped through. "That was easy." Priire turned to the guard and was about to tell him to scram when he fired a small weapon at her. She dove and rolled to avoid it as her eyes lit up. "Ooo! I want one!"

Nom had easily disarmed the man and tossed the weapon to Priire. "Pretty," the ex-mercenary exclaimed.

"Hand me the phaser," a cool voice said from the doorway.

The blonde girl rolled her eyes. "Look. All I want is a birthday present for Nom. Okay? Once we find what we're looking for, then we'll leave you and your dimension alone."

The warrior turned to her friend. "A birthday present? For me?"

Priire shrugged. "Yeah. I'm not sure when the 'Midwinter Festival' is... but I figured that it's close enough." She suddenly smirked. "Besides. I need an excuse to get out of that Temple!"

By this time, Priire and Nom were standing. The hazel-eyed man still kept a careful eye and ready phaser on them. "So... who are you?" he asked.

"Seijoutai Priire."

"I am Nom Da'Gara."

The man frowned. "My name is James T. Kirk. I'm the captain."

Priire took it upon herself to explain a little further. "We're from another dimension... we traveled here through a dimensional gate."

"Akin to the Guardian of Forever, I assume," the dark-haired man, referred to as Spock, said as he walked up. "Captain Kirk, I do not believe they mean us any harm. I can get no sense of maliciousness from them. What is the location you were attempting to reach?"

The blonde pilot shook her head and tried not to laugh. "We were trying to get to one of those green bird-shaped ships. The ones that can become invisible."

"You were trying to reach a Klingon Bird-of-Prey? Then how did you get on the Enterprise?" Captain Kirk asked, incredulous.

Nom cocked an eyebrow. "It is logical that the girl who transported us here would have no knowledge of this dimension and would therefore not know where she would be placing us."

"At least we're not chewing vacuum," Priire said, her mouth creeping up in a half-grin. "This could be worse."

The captain shook his head. "What, exactly, were you looking for on the Klingon vessel?"

Slipping the phaser into her boot, Priire answered, "I really wanted one of those cloaking devices." The horrified look she received made her laugh. "I want lots of things I'm never going to get. What we planned to take with us was a targ."

Captain Kirk suddenly laughed. He moved over to a wall communicator and thumbed it on. "Bones, your prayers have been answered."


"Jim, I'm a doctor, not a zookeeper!" Dr. McCoy growled as the four beings walked in. "I hope you've found some way to get this animal out of my sickbay!"

He continued grumbling for a minute before noticing the two females. "Have you been in for your physicals yet? I don't remember seeing you."

They shook their heads. "No. We do not belong to this galaxy," Nom informed him.

The good doctor already had his scanner out and was running it over the pair. "What kind of human are you?" he grumbled at Priire. "You've got all the right organs in mostly the right places, but there are some elements in your blood that I can't account for." He glared at her, as if her blood chemistry was her fault.

"Bones," the captain interrupted. "They're not part of the crew. These two are from some other dimension. They want the targ."

"Hallelujah," the doctor grumbled. "Will wonders never cease. The beast is over there." He pointed to an isolation chamber.

Nom walked over to see the animal that Priire thought would be a perfect pet for her. It was darkly colored and pig-like, with several horns protruding out of its skull. It snarled at her as she approached.

While the warrior was busy introducing herself to the fearsome beast, Priire was busy fending off the doctor. "Back! I'm not part of your crew!"

"You've got the uniform on," McCoy told her. "Let's see what makes you tick."

"I'm getting ticked off!"

Suddenly, Nom was at her side again. "Thank you, Priire," the warrior said quietly. The animal that Dr. McCoy had been so disparaging of was seated near Nom's feet calmly. It would only be that way for Nom, Priire found out as she tried to touch it. "Ferocious little Sith, isn't he."

Nom nodded. "I am pleased."

"Then time to go home!" Priire grinned. Adressing the ceiling, she shouted, "Coru! Beam us up!"

About the Senshi in this story:

Priire/Sailor Asteroid
Nom/Sailor Dathomir
Ippin/Coru/Sailor Yavin

