Conversation Piece

Written by Seijoutai Priire/Sailor Asteroid

I have been many things in my life. Mercenary, killer, thief, make-believe lover, hero, Spithspawn do-gooder... well, a lot of things. But never a conversation piece.

“Is this... one of them?”

A very frustrated conversation piece.

"They say her name is Sailor Asteroid.”

I couldn’t help but think that if they’d ask me, I’d even confirm it. Considering my sister threatened my life twenty different ways if I insulted anyone, I kept quiet. Funny. If anyone had threaten my life barely a year before, they’d be dead and I would go along my way as if nothing happened. In some ways, I’m glad it’s now and not then. I already have too much blood on my hands.

“She’s so adorable. We should introduce her to your son.”

Sorry. This girl’s spoken for. To myself, I smiled. It was really good knowing that someone loved you. Even after all the things I’ve done... sithspit. Even in my own mind I keep coming back to that. I don’t know why, but my more than slightly shady past has been creeping into my mind a lot lately. It must be something in the air.

“Look, she’s smiling. Hey, let’s take a holo of her!”

I had to smile. But I was getting a little sick of just sitting around. What I really wanted to be doing was... oh, I don’t know. Maybe strafing the spaceport. No, not really. A little more action would have been nice.

“I wonder who she is... and if her hair is natural.”

Smiling at them, I tried not to do anything annoying. Like killing someone.

I hate being a conversation piece.

About the Senshi in this story:

Priire/Sailor Asteroid
Ippin/Sailor Yavin

